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    Profile of Kevin Glynn

Nationality:   Irish
Playing Age:   36 to 45
Location:   Galway
Hair Colour:   Black/Grey
Hair Length:   Short
Eye Colour:   Blue
Height:   5ft. 11inch
Body Size:   Medium
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      Training: I have been taking Method Acting classes in London for the past two years. These classes involve techniques such as relaxation and psychological training. Classes also involve character research and stage work on an ongoing basis. I also have 2 years of Voice and movement training.                                    

      Film and TV Credits: N/A            

      Theatre Credits: Theatre Production - The Memory of Water. Played Mike (Doctor) Paid production - Garage Theatre Monaghan. 

Theatre Production - Rumors. Played Glenn. Paid production - Garage Theatre Monaghan. 
Theatre Production - Calendar Girls. Played Rod. Paid production - Garage Theatre Monaghan. 

      Special Skills: Play Guitar and am a marathon runner so very fit physically. 

      Voice Credits: N/A

      Accents: West of Ireland, General American, RP




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