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    Profile of Adrianna Ditrich

Nationality:   Polish
Playing Age:   16 to 24
Location:   Kildare
Hair Colour:   Blonde
Hair Length:   Long
Eye Colour:   Green
Height:   5ft. 6inch
Body Size:   Medium
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953_CV Adrianna ..rtf

Picture Album: Adrianna Ditrich



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" Theatre Studies" at Inchicore College Of Further Education.

- Training given in Acting, Musical Theatre, Improvisation, Dance, Mime, Voice etc.

- Course duration- 3 years- Full time training.


      Film and TV Credits:

      Theatre Credits:

" Sleepyhead", performed at ICFE, directed by Helene Montague. Role- Doctor.

"A Midsummer Night's Dream", performed at ICFE, directed by Gerry Lee. Role- Philostrate, Fairy.

" Commedia Dell'arte", performed in Italy, directed by Matteo Destro. Role- Musician.

" Carry The Can" , performed at ICFE, directed by Helene Montague and Paul Meade. Role- soldier, Assistant, Homeless Child.

' The Dining Room", performed at Smock Alley Theatre ( Dublin city venue), directed by Bairbre Ni Chaoimh. Role- Child, Dora (mother), Beth( wife), Bertha ( housemaid) . 


      Special Skills: Acting Skills, Singing, Playing with voices (character/ voicework), Good at learning languages (Fluent in English) , familiar with French.

      Voice Credits: FM 104- Recording advertisement for a college Open Day at ICFE studio.

      Accents: - Polish.




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