Profile of Enrique Celdran Lazaro 
| Nationality | : Spanish | Playing Age | : 36 to 45 | Location | : Wexford | Hair Colour | : Dark Brown | Hair Length | : Shaved | Eye Colour | : Brown | Height | : 5ft. 8inch | Body Size | : Medium | Download CV: | |
Picture Album: Enrique Celdran
| CIA Agent |
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| Training: Barcelona school of acting 2000_2005 |
| Film and TV Credits: MEETING POINT 2005 thief role BarcelonaDON QUIJOTE BLUES (Van Morrison tribute performance) 2006 Madrid Tv show WELCOME TO THE FAMILY 2018 episode 2nd season army sargent, Netflix
| Theatre Credits: Grease , John Travolta role 1998 and 2011Elvis Presley role 1993 Van Morrison Tribute Band 2000-2018
| Special Skills: English and Spanish spokenMartial arts ,boxing Art and photography skills Degree in science , doctor role,pharmacist role Singer ,musician Dancing skills |
| Voice Credits: English,spanish,caralan |
| Accents: Spanish,irish,catalan,cuban,Argentine |
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