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    Profile of Jonathan Caffrey

Nationality:   Irish
Playing Age:   25 to 35
Location:   Dublin
Hair Colour:   Brown/Grey
Hair Length:   Short
Eye Colour:   Green
Height:   6ft. 1inch
Body Size:   Small
Download CV:
243_Jonathan Caffrey CV Actor.doc

Picture Album: Jonathan Caffrey



Title: RITE T.V. SHOW 1  

Title: Product Of A Nation. Extended promo  

Title: FEATURED ON CNN - 25 Filmmakers Around the World Make a Film - THE OWNER  

Title: Product Of A Nation  Crime thriller directed by Jonathan Caffrey

Title: Product Of A Nation  Feature Film directed by Jonathan Caffrey

Title: Jonathan Caffrey Showreel  Showreel

Title: Product Of A Nation  




Gaeity School Of Acting. Foundation ,Performance and Adavanced performance

Acting for Camera with Gerard Mc Sorley

Acting for Castings, Actors Studio Edgemar, Los angeles


      Film and TV Credits:

08/94         �Braveheart�                           Mercy Boy                      Mel Gibson                       ICON 

01/00          �The Problem�                       Michael                           Anthony Carter                 WSAF

 01/01          �The Hangman�                     Ted                                   Marc Mulligan                  BALD Productions

06/03         �Bouncer School�                  Rocko                               Marc Mulligan                  BALD Productions

08/03           �The End�                                Carl                                  Carl Finnegan                    CFP Productions

02/05           �I Love Lucifer�                      Gallen                              Stephanie Power            D.C.U. Productions

 03/05            �Follically Challenged�         Ricardo                             Sean Smyth                       D.I.T.

06/05           �Stew 2�                                 Various                             P.J O Halleron                    R.T.E Productions

 07/05            �Men Of Destruction�          Doyle                                Jonathan Hunt                  HUNT Pro 

 06/06            �The Headmaster�                Joseph Plunkett            Brendan Russo                   Royale

 07/07           �Wickow Gaol�                      Richard Hoey                  William Kinsella               WICKLOW 

 05/07            �Giddy�                                   Jonathan Meyers            Dom   Chorly                  TicToc                   

03/08         �Yesterday is History�          Shaw                                 Joe Moran                         E Productions

 04/09           �Giddy 2�                               Jonathan Meyers           Dom Chorley                     TICK TOC Pr 

 07/10            The Lost Backpack              Father                              Mairtin De Barra               Heatshaped

08/10          �Alizeran Wood                    David                                Garrett Lynam                  Mythology 

02/11           Albert Nobbs                        Hotel Guest                    Roderigo                            Albert Nobbs

10/11           Raw                                        Market Stall Owner                                                   RTE

10/11            Rite TV                                   Reporter                          Tim O Connell                  Dole TV   



      Theatre Credits:

03/98          �A Tennagers Guide�           Ted                                    Colm Hefferenon              Nation Tour 

06/98          �The Caine Mutiny�             Dr Bird                               Martin Wallace                 CWC 

 03/01           �Michael Collins�                  Michael                             Anntoinette Duffy            Gaeity School 

04/01            �The Glass Menagerie�       Gentleman Caller             Anntoinette Duffy            Gaeity ScH

06/01             �Death and The Maiden�   Roberto                             Anntoinette Duffy            Bank of Ire Mus

12/01             �The Lonesome West�       Standish                             Robbie Taylor                   James Joyce Mus

 07/02             �Terraces�                             Doyle                                 James Dempsey                Chelsea

 04/04              �A View from a Bridge�      Alfieri                                 Carl Finnegan                     I.A.D.T 

 01/05              �The Rainmaker�                 Starbuck                            Marc Mulligan                   I.A.D.T 

01/05               �The Clair Sinnot Show      Various                               Clair Sinnot                 Los Angeles 

12/05               �The House of Polonius�    Polonius                             Cathal Quinn                     Gaeity School

 04/06              �Pyramus and Thisbe�       Father/Director                 Simon Coury                     Smock Alley 

 07/06               � A Mid Summers�              Demetrius                          John Delaney                    Smock Alley 

 08/06                �Wicklow Gaol�                   Gaoler/ Captain                William Kinsella                Wicklow 

 11/07                �Dolly Wests Kitchen         Marco                                 John Anthony Murphy     Belltable 

 12/07                 �Suburban Motel�               Zac                                      Ann Blake                           Cornmarket 

   05/08           The Last of The Moh�       Finbar                                 Jean Faye                            Friars Gate 

 05/09               �Seven Lives Lost�               John                                    Ann Blake                            Cornmarket


      Special Skills: 
Writing, Mime, Basic Horse Riding, Basic and Defensive Combat, Firearms Skills, Surfing, Skating, Various Sports, Fitness. ACCENTS: Dublin, Northern Irish, American(All Dialects), South African(Africanas) English, Scottish

      Voice Credits: Various

Dublin, Northern Irish, American(All Dialects), South African(Africanas) English, Scottish




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